Café sans Café {Black}
Café sans Café {Black}
Sample size {3 servings}
125 Kit Carson Road
Taos NM 87571
United States
Deep, dark & rich with a bold roasted flavor giving off hints of caramel and chocolate.
Created with roasted chicory root, malty Assam black tea & creamy Indian fair trade vanilla bean...this is a shockingly good brew that is remarkably similar to coffee with about a quarter of the caffeine and a list of health benefits a mile long!
Chicory root in particular is especially high in vitamin C, powerful antioxidants and inulin - promoting the immune system, aiding in digestion & supporting cardiovascular health.*
The addition of Assam black tea promotes just the right boost of energy without the "jittery" effects associated with coffee, making this bold blend perfect in the morning or as a pick-me-up in the afternoon.
*Although herbs have been used throughout human history for health & healing - these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. tea.o.graphy products are not intended to diagnose or cure disease.
All tea.o.graphy blends are carefully handcrafted with a special focus on organic & fair trade ingredients.
with love, from Taos, New Mexico.
Here are several different suggestions we have for ways you can prepare this tea.
Flavor Profile Brisk and coffee-like.
Effect Energizing and restorative.
Tasting Notes Tobacco & chocolate. Roasted, rich notes. a bridge between tea & coffee.
Featured details
Caffeine Content
moderate caffeine